“Maafa: Life After Conquest”
"A Holocaust In Black / Maafa-Life After Conquest"
The Ruin Of A Nation Begins In The Homes Of Its People
Gregory V. Boulware
http://blackinamerica.com/content/273292/m... Maafa:
Maafa are terms used to describe the history and ongoing effects of atrocities inflicted on African people.
“A proud and strong people graced the shoreline with their arrived, and despite efforts to shackle their dreams, the human spirit would not be contained. They refused limitations and replaced them with genius. For what they had to offer was a treasure that knew no bounds. And that treasure was to touch every walk of life. They helped settle the West; They invented America’s original music. Through simple acts of courage they stood up for all human dignity. And they’ve cultivated leaders for the next millennium. America’s greatness is its diversity of people.”
“Planned Parenthood – Eugenics and Population Control – Same Game, Different Name – “American Eugenics Society.”
“The Eugenic and civilization value of birth control is becoming apparent to the enlightened and the intelligent… The campaign for birth control is not merely of Eugenic value, but is practically identical in ideal with the final aim of Eugenics.”
~Margaret Sanger, 1921~
"One plan was to leave the Black populace alone. “They will perish without our support.” Another was mass racial suicide… When this was done, it didn’t work, i.e., Tulsa, Oklahoma. “…Even a cursory glance at the charts, photographs, and diagrams used to popularize eugenic ideals reveal that the unfit were swarthy, Black, and ugly by Anglo-Saxon standards, with the flattened noses, wiry hair, and prognathous profiles.”
“The Black Man has never been a competitor, but has always been subservient to the white race. And just as long as he remains subservient, his position is secure, and just as soon as he becomes a competitor, his fate is sealed.”
"Too many Negroes are born yearly,” an advocate of birth control says. “The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race. Eugenics for the Negro!”
“On the negative side, it shows us that we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all – that the wealth of individuals and the states is being diverted from the development and the progress of human expression and civilization”
“in virtually every community where negroes dwell, one finds them in fat times and lean alike contributing a disproportionate number to the rolls of the dependents and delinquents. They make excessive demands on the white man’s charity and overtax his patience with their delinquencies. Recent data from several towns and cities indicate that the negro is furnishing a quota in the fields mentioned, four or five times in excess of his portion of the population.”
“During Hitler’s regime, the German’s were supplied with elaborate charts and complicated theses, supposedly providing the superiority of the German people. It is interesting to note that at the bottom of these charts were the Colored People of the World and most conspicuously, the Black People
“The Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into ‘the Rhineland…’ it suits the purpose of the cool calculating Jew who would use this means of introducing a process of bastardization in the very center of the European Continent and, by infesting the white race with the blood of an inferior stock, would destroy the foundations of its independent existence.”
Nazi scientist in charge of Black extermination – ‘Eugen Fischer’ ‘Rockefeller Gift Aids Reich Scientist, $555,000 Given by Foundation was Pledged to Institute Before Hitler Regime – Nobel Prize Winner to Head Two Laboratories Set Up for Advanced Studies!’
~ "The Power of Sankofa" ~
Sankofa is an African word from the Akan tribe in Ghana. The literal translation of the word and the symbol is “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind.”
The word is derived from the words:
SAN (return),
KO (go),
FA (look, seek and take).
"The Sankofa symbolizes the Akan people’s quest for knowledge among the Akan with the implication that the quest is based on critical examination, and intelligent and patient investigation.
The symbol — shown in the photo on an interior window in the Carter G. Woodson Center — is based on a mythical bird with its feet firmly planted forward with its head turned backwards.
Thus, the Akan belief that the past serves as a guide for planning the future... To the Akan it is this wisdom in learning from the past which ensures a strong future.
The Akans believe that there must be movement and new learning as time passes, but as this forward march proceeds, the knowledge of the past must never be forgotten."
~ The Maafa Did Not End With The Emancipation Proclamation ~
November 29th 2014
https://boulwareenterprises.wordpress.com/... November 30, 2014
https://www.academia.edu/44905307/_A_Holoc... 1.13.21
~"It Has Not Ended...Will It Ever?"~
http://blackinamerica.com/content/396433/i... */
Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Saturday, April 6th 2024 at 7:36PM
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