“Luther: Never Too Much,” the documentary film, chronicles the story of a vocal virtuoso. Using a wealth of rarely seen archives, Luther tells his own story with assistance from his closest friends and musical collaborators including Mariah Carey, Dionne Warwick, Valerie Simpson and Roberta Flack. The film relives the many stunning moments of Luther’s musical career, while exploring his unrequited love life, health struggles, and a lifelong battle to earn the respect his music deserved.
WATCH the first look exclusive clip
READ director Dawn Porter on Luther’s life and legacy
HEAR a live performance from Luther’s friends and collaborators
Section: Premieres
Directed by: Dawn Porter
Featuring: Fonzi Thornton, Robin Clark, Carlos Alomar, Danyel Smith, Jon Platt, Ava Cherry, Seveda Williams, Nile Rodgers, Valerie Simpson, Deborah McDuffie, Marcus Miller, Nat Adderley Jr., Jamie Foxx, Lisa Fischer, Kevin Owens, Richard Marx, Clive Davis, Mariah Carey, Dionne Warwick, Max Szadek
Producers: Trish D Chetty, Ged Doherty, Jamie Foxx, Datari Turner, Leah Smith
Genre: Documentary, Music, BIPOC, LGBTQ+
Run Time: 101 minutes
Posted By: Tanisha Grant
Wednesday, January 31st 2024 at 12:25AM
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