Before I answer my own question I want to ask the Black American Christian preaches and deacons did the Children of Israel had another alternative to Pharaoh’s slavery of them?
By asking this question it would help you all too analytically and rationally answer the question whether Black Americans has another alternative than through the White man’s Christian religion and their God the Jewish Jesus, voting or having a national dialogue on race relationship with White America.
Looking back we now know that the Children of Israel’s other and only alternative were God and Prophet Moses am I right? The Children of Israel’s alternative were not tied into Pharaoh at all
Likewise, Black America’s alternative is not tied into having anything to do with White America as well!
Black America’s only alternative is God and Prophet Harry. God is greater than White America as this same God showed greater powers than Pharaoh showed to not let the Children of Israel go am I right.
Posted By: Harry Watley
Friday, December 12th 2014 at 11:51PM
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