For example, Black Americans have the Christian religion of White Americans. Black Americans and White Americans are racially two different people. This means that White Americans are benefiting from Black Americans having the Christian religion since we know that God’s divine rule is that no people can lead another people to God; the same way people (A) found their way to God is the people (B) must find their way as well. Since we are racially different people with the same religion only one people can benefit, but not both people!
Since Black Americans was given the White America’s Christian religion Black Americans have been oppressed and suppressed by White Americans to this very day!
Primarily it is the White Christian that suppresses Black Americans and not just the might of White America because Black Americans must have our own religion and we do have our own religion named LIFE!
It is the same as taken over the SPIRITS and minds of a people when that people accepts the religion of another people e.g. Black Americans embracing the Christian religion that clearly belongs to White America. White America is the beneficiary of Black Americans having their Christian religion.
Our time has come to be a real stand-up people! We must accept our own religion and now is the time for us to do just that!
When we accept our own religion God will automatically gives us a country as I’ve been saying.
Posted By: Harry Watley
Thursday, December 11th 2014 at 8:44PM
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