Firstly, Black Americans must have a bona fide connection to God. A bona fide connection means that this connection is for Black Americans only. Like the Arab connection is for the Arabian people only since people are racially different.
Secondly, Black Americans must have a bona fide religion. A bona fide religion means that the religion belongs to Black Americans only. Like the religion of Judaism belongs only to the Jewish people since people are racially different we must all have our own.
Thirdly, Black Americans must have a bona fide country. A bona fide country means that the country belongs to Black Americans only.
As Black America’s first genuine prophet my divine and earthly responsibility is to get these three ducks on the board and in a row.
At the moment Black Americans has not been a successful people because none of the things mentioned above does Black Americans have!
The connection to God that Black Americans have is through White America.
The religions that Black Americans have are Christianity which belongs to White America/Caucasian people and Islam that belongs to the Arabian people.
And, Black Americans have no country!
Black Americans must denounce Christianity and Islam then embrace our own religion named LIFE.
Posted By: Harry Watley
Tuesday, September 23rd 2014 at 4:55AM
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