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Everyone know that the world is racially diverse! Anyone that disagrees is a fool! (1824 hits)

What does this tell us that the world is racially diverse? Well, it backs up my first revelation that prophets are racially different. Mohammed was an Arab man and Jesus was Jewish. Here we have two prophets anointed by the same God, yet there are racially different.

Okay, what intelligence do we draw because the world is racially diverse? It tells us that one prophet cannot work for every body since the world is racially diverse.

Take the Jewish Jesus for example, here is a man that is Jewish yet my Black American Christian people believe that this Jewish Jesus man was sent to all people. That concept is irrational since the world is racially diverse. The solution is that each people must one day produce a man that God would approve and anoint that man as the prophet of that particular race of people. All that the Jewish Jesus can do was to connect his Jewish people to God and no other people does the Jewish Jesus have authority over!

Likewise, my Black American Muslim people believe that the Arab Mohammed was the last prophet to mankind they say. You know that my Muslim people are ignorant and cannot analytically reason to believe such crap. All that Mohammed had authority over was Arabian people since he was Arabian himself.

Since the world is racially diverse Prophet Mohammed like the Jewish Jesus cannot be prophets to mankind.

Black Americans the time is now that you all better start to rationally and analytically think. I am here to help us and God is helping us through me. Everything I say is true and everything I said would happen is going to happen.

No one has every spoke with the wisdom like me am I right?
Posted By: Harry Watley
Thursday, September 18th 2014 at 10:37PM
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