Black Americans following behind White Americans believes the Jewish Jesus is Black America’s God as well. It is clear that both people have the same God; the Jewish Jesus. Black Americans are not killing White Americans. So, White Americans are not having any problems from Black Americans. But, Black Americans are having lethal problems from White Americans.
At this point Black Americans should be concerned who the Jewish Jesus is serving! From the historic evidence it is no doubt the Jewish Jesus is not a God of Black Americans, but that God of White Americans.
Then, what is Black Americans holding on to when they embrace the Jewish Jesus? What is Black Americans getting by holding on to the Jewish Jesus?
The first obvious answer is that Black Americans are getting what White Americans historically stands for; plantation slavery, first terrorist organization the KKK, and today the killings of Black American men. These are the things are suffering from because we are in bondage with our belief in the Jewish Jesus.
Our sufferings will stop when Black Americans renounced the Jewish Jesus and embrace our first genuine Prophet Harry. Prophet Harry is the second known DELIVERY prophet. The first such prophet was the Jewish Moses. I parallel the Jewish Moses if you will.
Posted By: Harry Watley
Wednesday, August 13th 2014 at 3:16AM
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