The children of Israel’s bondage and slavery in Egypt were not their lowest point! From the point of plantation slavery Black Americans steadily went down until we hit rock bottom. From the point of the children of Israel’s bondage and slavery they too steadily went down until they hit rock bottom.
When a people hits rock bottom they will know because God will send them a prophet. God would never send a people a prophet until they hit rock bottom. That is the pattern of God.
White America’s Christian religion is what took Black Americans to rock-bottom. The Egyptian beliefs and ways imposed upon the children of Israel is what took them to rock bottom. We know this because they built the Golden Calf in the desert even after Moses led them out of bondage and slave, but they were still mentally in bondage and slavery to the Egyptian people.
When something like this happens in humanity on the God can straighten it out. God straightened out the children of Israel’s situation and we have all the evidence that God will straighten out Black America’s situation since Black Americans will be the second people of a twin like situation in humanity. Again, we have all the reasons to believe that the same God that anointed Moses and protected the children of Israel as they left Egypt is the same God that will protect Black Americans from White America as we journey towards a new life in our own sovereign country.
Black Americans are worse off today than our ancestors were in the days of plantation slavery. The more Christianity we got was the dumber we became until today we would not give up Christianity for completely new life in a country of our own with our own religion, prophet and spiritual book.
We are today at our lowest point and that is why God has sent us a prophet. No different from what happened with the children of Israel.
Posted By: Harry Watley
Sunday, August 10th 2014 at 11:31AM
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