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Get Paid to Speak! (14862 hits)

Want to get paid to give talks – even if you’re not famous yet?

Want to change peoples’ lives with your message and have a lot of fun doing it?

If so, you’re invited to a free telephone seminar this Thursday (June 5th) and have six successful speakers teach you how to get started in this lucrative field.


You’ll discover lots of great strategies on this free 90-minute teleseminar hosted by Steve Harrison, including:

How to find companies and organizations who already have a budget to pay speakers like you quite handsomely – even if you’re not famous or well-known in your field.

Why you shouldn’t ask for less than $3,000 as a speaking fee – even if you’re a complete unknown with an ‘ordinary topic” -- and why it should often be more than that.

How to be well-paid to deliver a spiritual message.

Five critical steps for landing speaking engagements – especially when you don’t have a lot of time to spend marketing yourself.

Why you don’t need a lot of fancy materials to land speaking gigs, but what you DO need to give them instead.

How experienced speakers can raise their fee and get it.

Proven ways to brand yourself and your message in a way that will prompt a flood of requests for speaking engagements.

Actual case histories of several successful speakers and how they got started.

Specific things to do before, during and after you speak so that the audience loves you and you get invited back again and again.

How to use LinkedIn to get more invitations to speak.

What one speaker did to become Exxon Mobil’s highest-rated trainer for more than 29 years.

How Jack Canfield used speaking engagements to drive his brand-new book to the New York Times Best Seller List.

What topics organizations are most interested in having speakers address (AND MUCH MORE!!!)

Again, go here now to register for Thursday’s free teleseminar.


To you Superstar Success,
Pam Perry

Posted By: Pam Perry
Monday, June 2nd 2014 at 5:22PM
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