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Raven Symone dating "WHITE GUYS": Product of TV and Christianity..What ! (3024 hits)

All through Raven's career with Disney with "Thats so Raven" she was careful not to tip the boat and remain neutral if not tending toward her own kind. Now, that Raven is an adult and able to choose for herself is where her inner convictions come out...a reflection of good parenting is manifested.

So she comes to the Soul Train Awards with a trashy looking white guy. One of her earliest performances on her new sitcom, state of Georgia, she jumps on top of a white guy and flaunts with this white guy.

Here is another example of our beautiful black women in this country being lost to the devil. She rejects African American male before national TV. There are black male as educated as rich as muscular as a black woman desires. Raven thinks with her money she can bypass almighty God...well, she can get her laughs for now...but, we will see who laughs LAST
Posted By: jamal Abraham
Saturday, July 9th 2011 at 4:20PM
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