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Sister, I say you win...I never heard of this. Why don't you tell us more Beloved?
Wednesday, May 20th 2009 at 8:37AM
Siebra Muhammad
From what I have read, our children are being INTENTIONALLY DUMBED AND NUMBED down so that this smoothly falls into place. It requires local community decisions to be accomplished through CONSENSUS, which requires a higher degree of communication, thinking and implementation skills than a simple vote. Therefore, IMHO we need to be sure that we are STAYING AWAKE at the wheel. This could have very MAJOR implications to an unprepared future generation.
Wednesday, May 20th 2009 at 8:41AM
Joan E. Gosier HBCUkidz.com
Friday, May 22nd 2009 at 12:26AM
Yes Mozell. U are correct. This is already going on LOCALLY. In my town there are atleast 2 lawsuits against the town by big developers who are basically enforcing their right to create CROWDED APARTMENTS. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is another buzzword and OPEN SPACE requirements is another. Eminent Domain is one tool to bring these changes along quickly too. Everyone needs to at least click on the 2 links above to get a basic OVERVIEW so that we can dig TOGETHER on what this all means in our lives.
Friday, May 22nd 2009 at 2:24PM
Joan E. Gosier HBCUkidz.com
Yes, I did view the video. I skimmed over the 40 chapters, but it was rather long and tedious. I found the video easier to understand.:) I'll go back and review the rest of the Agenda 21 when I have some more time. Some parts of the Agenda 21 concept did not surprise me: such as the dumbing down of students. This has been going on for years sadly.
Sunday, May 24th 2009 at 1:36AM
Daniella and Mozell, Thanks for SEEING the importance. THIS IS NOT NEW. This was agreed up way back in 1992. As most long term strategies, it takes TIME to fully implement. So as Mozell has pointed out we SHALL REAP WHAT HAS BEEN SOWN. I work very hard to ensure that my children's brains remain SHARP AND ALERT.
Sunday, May 24th 2009 at 8:15AM
Joan E. Gosier HBCUkidz.com
Nonsense. There's no need for a special agenda to dumb us down when we're not doing anything to smarten us up! Not saying it's not real but look there's nothing we can do even if we tried to stop the global elites plans. Don't even try we should be doing everything we can in our families to compete with the global market anyway. Conspiracies theories shouldn't be the only reason why we gather to do positive things for ourselves. Wake up!
Wednesday, September 30th 2009 at 5:58AM
John Washington
Thanks for posting John. It shows that everyone aint totally sleep.
Wednesday, September 30th 2009 at 4:51PM
Joan E. Gosier HBCUkidz.com
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